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Tuesday 14 February 2017

Broiler Management

Ecnomically it is best policy to reduce expenses
Ventilation is needed to maintain temperature humidity and air to affordable range

There are two types of ventilation
Natural ventilation
Mechanical ventilation

both are managed to attain optimum condition

Negative Pressure

there is also a system to expel the contaminated air outside and also create vaccum inside farm that fresh air should enter into farm

Positive Pressure

this system throws fresh air inside and mix with humid air 

Wednesday 7 December 2016


Organisms like Brucella are detected in Cheese since from the Roman Era.Brucellosis(also known as Undulating fever or Mediterranean fever) was predominant in a Mediterranean region and its History is associated with Military campaigns.The disease caused by Brucella was fully Elucidated by Sir David Bruce,Hughes,and Zammit working In Malta.    



Friday 2 December 2016

Ashera Cat Most Expensive and Exotic

Ashera was a not a pure breed .It is as result of a cross between Wild Leopard Cat and a Domestic cat that we take in our houses as a pet .It is in top three expensive cats. it is very dangerous as well as very loyal.
125,000 $

Wednesday 23 November 2016



Leptospirosis is one of  the most alarming disease in animals as well as in humans which live in  association to those animals.It is an infectious bacterial disease also known as field fever. It is caused by a  cork  screwed shaped bacteria called leptospira.Incubation of  the disease in animals is  some what between 2-20days.In dogs,leptospirosis is mostly concerned with  liver and kidney  damage.But a recent study has revealed that leptospirosis has also been found in association to the pulmonary form leptospirosis with severe hemorrhage in lungs , just similar to the human pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome.Vasculitis may occur, leading to edema  and disseminating intravascular coagulation(DIC). myocarditis, pericarditis, uveties and meningitis are also possible consequences. In humans its symptoms are from mild, headaches, muscle pain and fever to the severe with bleeding from lungs, and if associated with turning yellow and kidney failure than called Weil’sdisease. If the bleeding is severe the nalsocaled severe  pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome

Arabian Horse The Most Expensive Horse No.1

As the name indicates that it was originated from the Arab. Arabian horse is one of the ecpensive breeds of Horses .It is at number 1 position . it is easily Differentiate from other breeds of  Horses for 4500 years.

Average Prize 5000$ - 30,000$ +

Thursday 17 November 2016





Adress:Cb House 182-Abubakar Block, New Garden town,LAHORE

