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Wednesday 23 November 2016



Leptospirosis is one of  the most alarming disease in animals as well as in humans which live in  association to those animals.It is an infectious bacterial disease also known as field fever. It is caused by a  cork  screwed shaped bacteria called leptospira.Incubation of  the disease in animals is  some what between 2-20days.In dogs,leptospirosis is mostly concerned with  liver and kidney  damage.But a recent study has revealed that leptospirosis has also been found in association to the pulmonary form leptospirosis with severe hemorrhage in lungs , just similar to the human pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome.Vasculitis may occur, leading to edema  and disseminating intravascular coagulation(DIC). myocarditis, pericarditis, uveties and meningitis are also possible consequences. In humans its symptoms are from mild, headaches, muscle pain and fever to the severe with bleeding from lungs, and if associated with turning yellow and kidney failure than called Weil’sdisease. If the bleeding is severe the nalsocaled severe  pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome





Leptospirosis is caused by the spirochaete bacteria belonging to the leptospira.In animals its five serotypes have been recognized to cause all types of disease in dogs named as

·         Icterohaemorrhagiae

·         Canicola

·         Pomona

·         Bratisalva

·         Gryppotyphosa

In animals when  leptospirosis is caused by L.Interrogans may becalmed as cnicola fever.Its symptoms may be associated with jaundice but in the absence of jaundice the

Possibility of leptospirosis is not eliminated, it may also happen that those signs are associated to the hepatitis or other liver  pathology.while in humans about 21 serotypes have
 Been identified out of 250 pathogenic strains.

Transmission in humans

The source of leptospirosis infection in  humans is urine of an infected animal and remain contagious as long as it remain moist .Although it is  also  found in reptiles and birds but mammals are  its only known source of transmission to humans especially rodents,rates , mice and moles are it’s important primary hosts while dogs deer rabbits cows sheep and some marine animals may transmits as secondary host.Dogs may acquire the infection by licking the urine of an infected animal or drink from an infected puddle.Humane becomes infected through the infected water or food contaminated by infected animals.The disease is not known to be spread between humans.While the occupation at risk include the veterinarians, slaughterhouse workers ,waste disposal facility workers and people who work in derelict buildings.


After the infection with in first 7-10 day the bacteria an be found in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid and then I move

to the kidneys.So,after 7-10 days the microbe con be found In the  fresh,early diagnosis include the testing of blood or urine by different serological strains.kidney functiontest, liver function test, Elisa(enzyme linked immuneo sorbantassay), PCR(polymerase chain reaction) and MAT(microscopic agglutination test)are gold standards in diagnosis of leptospira.


Effective antibiotics include peniciline G ,ampicillin, amoxicillin and doxycycline but in severe cases cefotaxime or ceftriaxone should be use.Glucose and salt solution in fusion may administered; dialys is can be use din severe cases administration of corticosteroids in gradually reduced doses can be recommended by some specialist in case of hemorrhagic effects for 7-10 days.


Effective rat control and avoid any urine contaminated source is an effective

preventive measure. Human vaccines are.The use of doxycycline must be once in a week as a prophylaxis is to minimize infections during out breaks in end emic areas.There is no evidence in support of chemoprophylaxis.Pre-exposure prophylaxis is may be beneficial for individuals traveling to the areas of high-risk.


It has been estimated that 7-10 millions  of people are infected each year million cases of severe leptospiosis occur annually with 58,900 deaths. Rate of infection per annum ranges from 0.02 per 100,000 intemperate climates to10 to100 per 100,000 in tropical climates.

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Written By: Waqar Tabish

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